Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Pirate Ship

They are filming Disney's Pirates of the Carribean ...and currently there is a pirate ship docked here.
Pretty cool and Johhny Depp has been spotted...

The African Tortoise in Hawaii

While taking a scenic drive on the southern shore of Oahu, I spy a large brown tortoise on the side of the road- it is with it's owner- who is taking it for a walk....I was so surprised....I had to stop and talk to the owner about his pretty Tort named Kui.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

North Shore Sites

Driving the North Shore of Oahu, the sites are so amazing...

Monday, August 2, 2010

BON Dance and Lantern Lighting

Once every summer we attend the Bon Dance and Lantern Launching. It is held at the Buddist JODO Mission, and you pre order paper lanterns with the names of the deceased members of your family written on them. At Dark, after watching people dance and chant in a foreign language around a tall built tower...we all launch our paper lanterns into the ocean- lit and glowing...It is sweet, to sit on the sand on the beach and watch them glow...

Turtle Beach

I decided to volunteer as a honu guardian......since I live in Hawaii...why not ?

I like talking to the people and educating them about the turtles...sooner or later, I will know who all the indivudual turtles day- four came out of the water, and just climbed on top of each other, like a pyramid..

Snorkeling Day with new Camera

I decided I really wanted to get a new underwater camera- so that I can capture the beauty of the snorkeling that can be done here on Oahu. I am finding out that it takes lots of practice....

Baby Seal is Born..

A new baby monk seal was born on the North Shore. The Species is extremely endangered, so as part of the Response team, I get to help- which is so very important when a new pup is born- the survival of the pup is key to the survival of the species....So far we have had a fish hook caught in it's lip and a pile of ocean debris float into the small pool area that they have been using as their temporary nursery. It has been fun to talk to the public about the seals, and watch the baby grow- watching the interaction between Mother and Pup is so amazing- and all in the wild.