Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Son, falling thru the Sky

My son has always had a thing for adrenaline...He likes things that get his stomach to drop out - with the exception of sharks and spiders, which is pretty funny...

For his 24th Birthday- he wanted to Sky dive...they have a place near by where people jump all the time....he invited a friend, who also was game, and the two of them went...It is near the ocean, and mountains..two large objects...to see from the sky and hit, if you make a mistake...

One of the benefits of having my son living with me again, is I get to experience these fun things...

So on his birthday weekend...we went to Pacific Skydiving..and waiting somewhere around 4 hours, so that he could do his jump...
He seemed nervous waiting, and I kept telling him he could change his mind..but he wanted to go for it.  At last, it was his turn to go..he saw a video, and had some one on one instruction, and off they went to board the plane...luckily, they do not allow you to jump alone- he had to jump tandum, which means, attached to someone else..

He seemed to love it, he landed on his feet, when he hit the ground, and with a huge smile on his face...

As a mother, I of course worried, but as I learned long ago, and try to practice, you have to let your children try new things, and under my watchful eye, he did..
I had to of course purchase all the photos they take and the video, and secretly, I am hoping it was his last jump and he got it out of his system..

Unfortunatly, his sister wants to now go, when she comes for a visit...

Missing New York State Fall

Hawaii is great, don't get me wrong..but the downside of October is that Halloween is coming, and there is no apple cider in site. Nor any freshly picked apples- for apple crisp, or apple pie...

It is one of the things that I miss about Central New York- Autumn- Leaves, colors and leaves falling. The wind swishing them around in the streets as you drive by...I have actually been known to drive thru certain neighborhoods, just for when the leaves turn colors on a sunny day.....!

I did manage to fine a genuine Pumpkin Farm here on Oahu though- so I had to tromp through the fields to find a few pumpkins...I was pleased they had ghost pumpkins, the white ones  ...and the standard orange- there were also wagon rides, and roasted corn for sale...
What made it very different was that it was hot.....very hot- as the farm is located in the Ewa plains, so not much rain, and no apparent shade...oh well,  I have my two pumpkins on the table...so this good...