Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Son, falling thru the Sky

My son has always had a thing for adrenaline...He likes things that get his stomach to drop out - with the exception of sharks and spiders, which is pretty funny...

For his 24th Birthday- he wanted to Sky dive...they have a place near by where people jump all the time....he invited a friend, who also was game, and the two of them went...It is near the ocean, and mountains..two large objects...to see from the sky and hit, if you make a mistake...

One of the benefits of having my son living with me again, is I get to experience these fun things...

So on his birthday weekend...we went to Pacific Skydiving..and waiting somewhere around 4 hours, so that he could do his jump...
He seemed nervous waiting, and I kept telling him he could change his mind..but he wanted to go for it.  At last, it was his turn to go..he saw a video, and had some one on one instruction, and off they went to board the plane...luckily, they do not allow you to jump alone- he had to jump tandum, which means, attached to someone else..

He seemed to love it, he landed on his feet, when he hit the ground, and with a huge smile on his face...

As a mother, I of course worried, but as I learned long ago, and try to practice, you have to let your children try new things, and under my watchful eye, he did..
I had to of course purchase all the photos they take and the video, and secretly, I am hoping it was his last jump and he got it out of his system..

Unfortunatly, his sister wants to now go, when she comes for a visit...

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